Who We Are


I founded Force Dynamics Fitness in 2010 and have successfully served a geographically and demographically diverse array of clients including older adults, the elderly, corporate executives and business travelers, those recovering from traumatic injury, and those with bodies in gender transition.

My methods are highly adapted to the personal and practical needs of the individual. I emphasize a scientific and mindful approach to fitness, leveraging the mind-muscle connection to sculpt the body, improve focus, and foster wellness. I teach an holistic approach to health, fitness and well-being, with mindful attention at the forefront of my practice. I support my clients with dynamic and flexible programs that can be adapted to their travel and/or gym access circumstances. With gentleness, compassion, and structure, I motivate my clients to live their healthiest and most vibrant lives.

It has been my passion to work with many of my clients over the long term to ensure continuous progress and the achievement of meaningful health and lifestyle improvement objectives. My customized programs blend weight training with flexibility and intelligent cardio.

Business travelers appreciate my support for their particular challenges. They learn creative methods of staying active and eating healthfully while traveling. Busy executives acquire tools that improve focus, leading to greater productivity at work and in the gym.

With older individuals, my focus extends to mobility, balance, and cognitive exercises that enhance activities of daily living, and prevent the likelihood of injuries caused by exercise as well as life-threatening injuries that often result from a sedentary lifestyle. My mature clients are supported as they are enabled to live a rewarding, active life well into old age.

I offer nutritional counseling to improve health and promote weight loss. My clients have appreciated my gentle approach to stress and time management, positive body image, and dietary struggles.

I offer fitness app-enabled virtual sessions for clients worldwide, as well as gym-based and in-home coaching in Salt Lake County.

Virtual Fitness Coaching


Force Dynamic Fitness offers app-based virtual fitness coaching to meet you where you are. Deirdre provides one on one virtual coaching sessions as well as specially tailored fitness programs clients can access individually.

Reach out to schedule a consultation.


Programs Customized for Chronic Pain
Deirdre appreciates that chronic pain clients typically have challenges with adherence and pain management. They should ideally seek a fitness coach who is well trained, experienced, and attuned to their unique needs. Deirdre understands the limitations that chronic pain can put on adherence to a typical training schedule.

Deirdre designs programs that allow clients to perform in a way that makes allowances for the limitations of chronic pain, and defines consistency in new ways that will move them toward better health and fitness. She offers a unique gentle approach for clients with chronic illnesses like fibromyalgia, chronic migraine, arthritis, nerve damage, spinal and disc injuries, and sciatica.

Senior Fitness/Strength Training
Deirdre specializes in the design and implementation of strength training programs for older adults.

Training protocol changes at age 50. Often, we find ourselves stuck in the same old routine, or noticing that our old regimen is causing new aches and pains, or even if we haven’t exercised in years, we may come to realize that it is time to make a change. Although there is no fountain of youth, strength training aids in reversing many of the degenerative processes associated with aging, especially muscle loss, metabolic slowdown, and fat gain.

With her studies and interest in Senior Fitness, Deirdre is best qualified to guide you on your journey to greater strength, mobility, and health.

Physique Training
Deirdre specializes in physique training for those who want to go beyond basic weightlifting and sculpt their body. The process of changing body composition involves a disciplined and precise combination of nutrition, weight training and cardio.

If you have the drive, Deirdre has the knowledge to guide you on the path to your best-ever figure.

Rehab & Recovery Programs/Corrective Exercise
LQBTQ Inclusive Programs
Business Traveller Wellness
Prenatal & Postnatal Program Design

Certifications and Areas of Study

International Sports Science Association Elite Trainer

International Sports Science Association Certified Personal Trainer (CPT)

International Sports Science Association Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist

International Sports Science Association Certified Nutrition Coach

School of Positive Transformation Mindfulness and Meditation Instructor

Physical Activity Instruction for Older Adults

Hip and Knee Replacement

Shoulder Girdle Rehab and Strength

Prenatal & Postnatal Program Design

Pilates Mat Tech Level 1